Your Workflow

MEDSYNC® is designed to help your pharmacy streamline its workflow by synchronizing client medication schedules, resulting in a single pick up date and better medication adherence.

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Medication synchronization

Fewer trips to the pharmacy for patients while increasing fill rates for pharmacies.

Appointment scheduling

The Appointment Based Model allows for more predictable demand and workload balancing.

Automated patient alerts

No wait times—prescriptions are ready when patients arrive for pick up.

The new model is appointment based

Reactive pharmacies are the norm in Canada. MEDSYNC® is changing that with a new proactive solution that helps pharmacies organize their workflow, improve and expand services, and generate more revenue from patients who receive better care.

The Old Model

The New Model

Prescription pick up

Reactive to people calling in for refill prescriptions or walking in with empty pill bottles.

Medication synchronization and proactive refills are handled by MEDSYNC®.

Patient notifications

Pharmacies are not proactively reaching out to patients before upcoming refills, limiting early intervention.

Automated outbound notifications are handled by MEDSYNC®, which alerts the pharmacy about any changes. This allows for early intervention and timely refills. Up to 70 per cent of overall prescriptions processed can be refilled proactively.

Wait times

Patient drops off refill bottles at pharmacy and waits for prescription, assuming inventory is available.

Prescription is ready to be picked up before the patient walks in the door, leaving time for pharmacists to perform billable services. MEDSYNC® alerts the pharmacy before prescription refills run out, reducing patient wait times to almost zero.


Pharmacy is limited by onhand inventory, leaving it susceptible to overstocking. Reactive inventory management leaves the pharmacy open to an insufficient fill and a balance owing.

MEDSYNC® triggers the pharmacy to process orders seven days prior to pickup date, enabling the pharmacy to always have the required inventory on hand, with refills always completed on time.


Pharmacies are paid for dispensing and given professional allowances from drug manufacturers.

Professional allowances are continuously dropping, which needs to be replaced by new revenue streams such as adherence lift for refill prescriptions, clinical pharmacist services and increased efficiencies. MEDSYNC® results in an 18 to 26 per cent increase in refill prescriptions.

Better outcomes for

MEDSYNC® pharmacies offer better health outcomes through increased medication adherence, improved workflow efficiencies using proactive refills, enhanced patient interaction, drug therapy monitoring, and more OTC cross-sell opportunities.

How MedSync® Benefits You

Filling more scripts than ever

We implemented a medication synchronization program at our pharmacy about two years ago. We have since increased our script count significantly, outsourced and central filled a number of our compliance pack patients, and greatly improved our efficiency in the dispensary. By better organizing and planning our workflow through an Appointment Based Model, we have been able to complete significantly more medication reviews and patient consultations while filling more scripts than ever! Despite doing so much more than ever before, we have never felt more relaxed in the dispensary.

Sandra Hanna, Main Drug Mart, Ontario

Able to focus on what’s important

In today’s environment, being proactive about prescription filling is critical to implementing many of the services that patients are looking to pharmacy to provide. MEDSYNC® not only helps us to organize our workflow, but also helps us to communicate with patients efficiently and effectively, to ensure that prescriptions are filled accurately and on time, allowing us to focus on what’s most important — our patients!

Sandra Hanna, Main Drug Mart, Ontario

An excellent opportunity for any community pharmacy

“The pharmacy inventory is easier to control, customer satisfaction has increased, productivity is smoother, and our prescription count has increased! This prescription adherence management program is an excellent opportunity for any community pharmacy.”

Pharmacist, Saskatchewan

Organized and ready all at once

“There is a nurse who comes in to get all the prescriptions for the patient she cares for. She used to have to keep track of her patient’s multiple medications, place all the refill requests, make numerous trips to the pharmacy to pick up the medications, and package them up to dispense to her patient daily. We have eliminated half of her work! Everything is organized and ready all at once, so she can easily package the daily doses.”

Pharmacist, NASPA study

Less day-to-day chaos

“One of the things our patients enjoy most about the Appointment Based Model is having a personal contact at the pharmacy — my pharmacist —someone they know by name who calls them once a month about their medications. We believe the program is helping us build patient satisfaction and loyalty. Interestingly, we have also experienced a very noticeable decrease in foot traffic, which has resulted in less day-to-day chaos, which relieves stress levels. A definite plus! At the same time, the script count and retail product sales have remained steady, both good things also!”

Pharmacist, British Columbia

Endless rewards

“Community pharmacies may be hesitant to start the [ABM] program. There is some upfront effort involved, and assigning a dedicated staff member or student is very helpful. However, once it is started, the rewards are endless! Patients will come in once a month and tell us how much they love the program. Physicians feel that we are taking their time-consuming work from them, and they appreciate it. Our workflow has become very efficient, and the inventory is more controlled.”

Pharmacist, Manitoba

Up 900 prescriptions

“I work in an older pharmacy where sales and volume has been steady for years. I implemented ABM in April of 2011… My doctors and patients love it and are helping to ‘sell’ the program for me. My September prescription volume is up 900 prescriptions over the same month a year ago.”

Pharmacist, Ontario

Everybody is a winner

“The greatest savings for the pharmacy, for the patients, and for the whole overall health care system will be achieved from adherence to drug therapy, resulting in improved disease management, reduced hospitalizations, and fewer physician visits.”

John Sykora, Abrams & Clark

Patient-centric care

“From the pharmacy’s perspective, this model allows us to play a more proactive role in our patients’ care. We have the opportunity to review a patient’s entire profile at once and proactively intervene, as necessary, when therapy problems arise. This is a patient-centric pharmacy care model as opposed to a drug-centric model.”

Pharmacist, Alberta

It's time to enhance your practice

Improve your pharmacy’s bottom line and create better health outcomes for your patients. MEDSYNC® is a complete solution that will address the unique needs of your pharmacy.

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